Saturday 21 November 2020

☔🌦️🌧️what is an artificial rain? how is it created? are there any harmful effects of artificial rain/cloud seeding? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”


πŸŒ€What causes rain?πŸŒ€

☔Clouds are made of water droplets. Within a cloud, water droplets condense onto one another, causing the droplets to grow. When these water droplets get too heavy to stay suspended in the cloud, they fall to Earth as rain.

Come to think of it, what makes it snow, hail, and sleet?

All these forms of water don’t fall out of a clear, blue sky. You need clouds. But what makes clouds?

☔Clouds form from water or ice that has evaporated from Earth’s surface, or from plants that give off water and oxygen as a product of photosynthesis. When it evaporates—that is, rises from Earth’s surface into the atmosphere—water is in the form of a gas, water vapor. Water vapor turns into clouds when it cools and condenses—that is, turns back into liquid water or ice. In order to condense, the water vapor must have a solid to glom onto. This solid “seed” may be a speck of dust or pollen, or a drop of water or crystal of ice. Dew is water vapor that has condensed back onto Earth’s surface—on grass or a car’s windshield.In the cloud, with more water condensing onto other water droplets, the droplets grow. When they get too heavy to stay suspended in the cloud, even with updrafts within the cloud, they fall to Earth as rain. If the air in the cloud is below the freezing point (32 °F or 0 °C), ice crystals form; if the air all the way down to the ground is also freezing or below, you get snow. However, if the layers of atmosphere within the cloud, and between the cloud and the ground, alternate between warmer than freezing and colder than freezing, you get other kinds of precipitation.

🌧️what is an artificial rain?🌧️
☔Rain, or increased rain, that is produced by seeding clouds artificially with 'dry ice' (frozen carbon dioxide), silver iodide, or other appropriate particles, which act as condensation nuclei.

☔Artificial rain is the process of cloud seeding, which is a type of weather modification that aims to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds dispersing substances into the air. Artificial rain is produced by spraying clouds with substances like Silver Iodide or cheaper available options like solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) or even finely powdered Sodium Chloride. 

☔In a condition where there are clouds, but no rain, it is a phenomenon called supercooling. In such a situation the temperature of the cloud might be close to zero and there can even be crystals of ice in it. The water vapour in the cloud does not condense to liquid water. The supercooling gets disturbed by spraying the cloud with the chemicals, using a airplane for the purpose.


☔The process includes three stages, the first is agitation, second is called building-up stage and the third bombardment of chemicals. This process involves using chemicals to stimulate the air mass upwind of the target area to rise and form rain clouds. These clouds are capable of absorbing water vapour from the air mass thus stimulating the condensation process in the clouds. 

☔During the second stage, the cloud mass is built up using chemicals like kitchen salt ammonium nitrate and occasionally calcium chloride. Then during the third stage chemicals such as super cool agents like silver iodide and dry ice are used to reach the most unbalanced status which eventually leads to the formulation of droplets and make them fall as raindrops. 

☔Even as the air quality in new Delhi is degrading gradually, so the government is planning to create an artificial rain because it will wash away toxic pollutants from the atmosphere.


☔Silver iodide, the material used in cloud seeding, is toxic to aquatic life. So precipitation from seeded clouds can harm the environment. In response to these concerns, scientists have tested nontoxic replacements for silver iodide. They have found calcium chloride to be effective.


  • It creates rain.
  • It makes all areas more hospitable.
  • It could regulate the weather.
  • It would allow for economic improvement.
  • It can provide relief to those drought-stricken areas.
  • It can reduce crop damage because of precipitation.
  • It uses potentially harmful chemicals.
  • It uses chemicals which can harm the environment especially plants and animals.
  • The technique is mostly used on clouds that already show early signs of rainfall, so it is not known if it actually causes rain.
  • Since it modifies the weather it might change climatic pattern.

🌠China creates 55 billion tons of artificial rain a year—and it plans to quintuple that in upcoming years

🌈Back in 2150 BC, Emperor Yu sealed his place in China’s history of eminent rulers by controlling the Yellow River’s annual flood, saving waterlogged crops. Today China’s rulers face the opposite problem: It’s water scarcity that threatens farms. So instead of the Yellow River, the Chinese government is controlling the rain.

🌈It does that by “cloud-seeding,” the colloquial term for rocket-launching chemicals into clouds, accelerating the creation of ice crystals that eventually become rain (China uses military aircraft too). This meteorological enema isn’t just handy for combating the country’s increasingly severe droughts and, supposedly, preventing hail. Local governments use “weather modification” to clear away lingering billows of air pollution. 

🌈China’s come a long way since 1958, when Russia brought cloud-seeding to the Middle Kingdom. It’s now the most trigger-happy cloud-seeder in the world. In 2011,China spent $150 million on a single regional artificial rain program; it’s unclear how much other local governments spend. The US, by comparison,spends around 15 million a year. It now creates 50 billion tonnes (55 billion tons) of artificial rain a year. That compares with an average of 36 billion tonnes a year(40 billion tons) from 1999 to 2006.

🌈As water grows scarcer and air pollution more severe, China plans to seed even more clouds.The State Council, China’s cabinet, is now mulling a proposal to beef up natural disaster monitoring and response measures, including more fake rain(links in Chinese). Last year, the head of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) revealed that under its new “weather modification program” it would use cloud-seeding to boost precipitation by 254 billion tonnes (280 billion tonnes). 

🌈With its horrendous air pollution and acute water shortage, China is a natural contender to be the world’s leading cloud-seeder. But another reason is that few countries share its enthusiasm for the technique. For one, its effectiveness has never been well established. Put simply, it’s hard to tell if those 55 billion tons of artificial rain would have fallen anyway.

🌈“[The Chinese government has] made some claims but there is no evaluation available that can substantiate their claims,” Roelof Bruintjes, a scientist at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research and a proponent of weather modification,told China dialogue. He adds that the technology shouldn’t be used as “a drought-busting tool” but rather for long-term water management.

🌈If the technique does work, that could actually cause other problems. Some say prematurely inducing rain prevents it from falling elsewhere. Also, cloud-seeding probably makes hail expand, not shrink, and pollution already seeds clouds automatically. 

🌈If cloud-seeding is possibly futile and destructive, why is China ramping up? Aside from environmental concerns, there are lucrative reasons to cloud-seed. The CMA has plans to seed clouds for private enterprises like farms or hydropower stations.Zheng Guoguang, the head of the CMA, told the China Daily in 2012. A Beijing meteorologist described China’s motivations to Vanity Fair. at a weather-modification banquet in 2008 as follows: “People believe what they will, and governments must be seen to take action.”



☔A simple Google search using keywords 'NASA rain cloud machine' will lead you to an article titled 'There is no NASA 'Cloud Machine'- Here's the real explanation of that viral video, published by

☔The article was published in April, 2018 and is written by Marshall Shepherd, who worked with NASA as a research meteorologist for 12 years. In it, Shepherd explains how the testing of the rocket, R-25 in this case, produces water vapour.

☔"The exhaust from the RS-25 is primarily water vapor because the engine burns liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen Oh.....guess what happens when they combine: You get H2O (also known as water). Therefore, the "clouds" that you see in the pictures or videos are a by-product of a very simple scientific process (see below). If the water vapor condenses, it actually may form drops large enough to fall as liquid or what appears as "rain.""

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