Monday 23 November 2020



✳️On 21 November 2020, the DRDO(DEFENCE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION) has announced that the first production of the HEAVYWEIGHT TORPEDO (HWT) will start its production at BDL, vishakhapatnam,which will be used by the INDIAN NAVY in submarines. The HEAVYWEIGHT TORPEDO (HWT) is designed by the NAVAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGICAL LABORATORY(NSTL). This mission of producing our missiles, defence equipments will boost the ATMA-NIRBHAR-BHARAT mission which is set by our honorable PM NARENDRA MODI JI.

🌠It is named after a legendary weapon created by the Hindu god of the oceans, Varuna. 

✳️BDL means "BHARATH DYNAMICS LIMITED" and its headquarters is situated in hyderabad, telangana. BDL has 3 manufacturing units located in Kanchanbagh ,Hyderabad, Telangana;  Bhanur, Medak district, Telangana  and Visakhapatnam , Andhra  Pradesh.

🌀PICTURE OF "VARUNASTRA" is shown in the picture below👇👇

✳️The weight of  "VARUNASTRA" is approximately 1500 kg and has a length of 7-8 metres.

✳️A modern torpedo is  an underwater ranged weapon launched the water surface ,  selfabove or below propelled  towards a target,  and with  an explosive  warhead designed to detonate  either on contact with or  in proximity  to the target.
✳️Torpedo can be launched from ships, Airplane or Submarines. 

✳️Another torpedo that was MADE IN INDIA Advanced Light Torpedo Shyena.The  Advanced Light Torpedo (TAL) Shyena  is the first indigenous advanced lightweight  anti submarine torpedo of India In March  2017, India signed a $37.9 million deal to  supply Shyena to the Myanmar Navy .The first batch of these torpedoes were delivered in July  2019.

✳️India and China have been competing for influence in Myanmar. Both countries are part of major port projects in the Buddhist country.

✳️To counter China’s influence, India has been supplying military equipment to Myanmar. In 2017, India supplied lightweight torpedoes to the Myanmar Navy, paid for through a line of credit given to Myanmar by India.

✳️Earlier this month, Indian Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane and Foreign Secretary Harsh Shringla visited Myanmar.

✳️During the visit, India agreed to supply more military equipment to Myanmar, including artillery guns, ammunition for T-72 tanks, sonars and torpedoes.

✳️Greater Chinese influence in Myanmar could not only create trouble for India in the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean but also in the North East.

✳️Many rebel groups operating in the North East have their bases in Myanmar, and Myanmar’s security forces have been cooperating with India to eliminate these bases. But growth in Chinese influence in Naypyitaw would give Beijing the option to limit this cooperation between India and Myanmar.


✳️India has offered Varunastramissile to Vietnam and hopes for large orders from several other naval forces around the world.In June 2019, Indian Ministry of Defence awarded a contract worth ₹1,187 crore (US$170 million) to Bharat Dynamics Limited to supply Varunastra to the Indian Navy.

🌠It is capable of targeting  quiet and  stealthy submarines,  both in deep and littoral  waters  in intense counter  measure environment. 
🌠Varunastra  has been  designed with latest  technologies  such as high  speed and long  endurance  propulsion,  software driven intelligence,  conformal array  acoustic  homing  with  wide look angle  and  advanced digital  signal  processing. 
🌠It has GPS  based locating  aid,  a unique  feature in  contemporary torpedoes in the  world. 

✳️The  increasing Chinese hostility  is now motivating  many countries in the  region to prepare  defence  against  the  mighty  Chinese navy Currently,  PLANSF operates  a fleet  of 66 submarines which include  nuclear as well  as conventional submarines. 


✳️The Black Shark Advanced (BSA), a new generation multi-role heavyweight torpedo fired from submarines or surface ships, is designed to counter threats from all surface and underwater platforms. The Black Shark is intended to replace the ageing A-184 heavyweight torpedo used by the Italian Navy.

✳️The Black Shark is currently being produced by Whitehead Alenia Sistemi Subacquei (WASS) for several major naval forces and has been integrated into Scorpene, U209, U214 and U212 submarines.

✳️The wire guided, self-homing torpedo has 21-inch diameter and integrates an ASTRA (Advanced Sonar Transmitting and Receiving Architecture) and high explosive warhead. The propulsion system with Al-AgO battery, contra-rotating brushless motor and skewed propellers ensures a maximum speed of 50kt and range of 50km.

🚀F21 Heavyweight Torpedo(FRANCE)

✳️The F21 heavyweight torpedo from DCNS is a dual-purpose torpedo that is effective against submarines and surface vessels. It will replace F17 mod2 torpedo aboard the French Navy's submarine fleet.

✳️The 1.3t F21 can be integrated into all types of submarines including nuclear-powered SSBNs and SNs as well as diesel-electric types, and can be launched in swim-out or push-out modes. It incorporates a new-generation acoustic head from Thales Underwater System, in addition to an impact/acoustic fuse warhead.

✳️The F21 can be operated in depth ranging from 10m to 500m and is driven by electric propulsion based on the silver oxide-aluminium (AgO-Al) primary battery providing a speed of 25kt to 50kt, range of over 50km and endurance of one hour.

🚀Spearfish Heavyweight Torpedo(UK)

✳️The Spearfish advanced heavy weight torpedo from BAE Systems is effective against submarine and surface threats in oceanic and coastal waters. The 1.85t torpedo is in service with the submarine fleet of the UK Royal Navy.

✳️The Spearfish carries Aluminised PBX explosive warhead of 300kg and is directed towards the target by high-capacity guide wire system and passive and active sonar.

✳️Its power plant is composed of a gas turbine engine using Otto Fuel as a liquid monopropellant, and Hydroxyl Ammonium Perchlorate (HAP) as oxidant. The propulsion system allows the Spearfish to engage targets within 48km at low speed.

🚀Torpedo 62 (Torpedo 2000){SWEDEN}

✳️The Torpedo 62 (Export designation: Torpedo 2000) from Saab is a dual-purpose heavy weight torpedo system in use with the submarine fleet of the Royal Swedish Navy. It can be effectively launched against all types of submarines and surface ships.

✳️The Torpedo 62 has a launch weight of 1,450kg and can carry high explosive warhead. The torpedo operates at depths of 500m and is guided by active/passive homing system.

✳️The torpedo is propelled by an advanced pump jet engine and can engage targets within the range of over 40km, at a maximum speed of 40kt.

🚀DM2A4/SeaHake mod 4(GERMANY)

✳️The DM2A4 Seehecht (Export Name: SeaHake mod 4) is the main under water weapon of the German Navy's Type 212 submarines. The heavyweight torpedo, weighing 1.37t, can be launched from both submarines and surface ships.

✳️Developed by Atlas Elektronik, the SeaHake mod 4 torpedo employs fibre optic wire guidance to accurately engage underwater and above-water targets, and carries a 255kg warhead.

✳️The torpedo is equipped with a high frequency permanent magnet motor and silver zinc battery modules ensuring a maximum speed of 50kt and a range of over 50km (27nmi).


✳️The Shkval-E is a high-speed unguided underwater missile produced by "Region" State Research & Production Enterprise of Tactical Missiles Corporation JSC. The weapon system can be installed on surface vessels and submarines, and can be launched at up to Sea State 4 from a water depth of 30m.

✳️The underwater weapon weighs 2,700kg and carries high-explosive warhead (210kg TNT equivalent) with an impact proximity fuse.

✳️The propulsion system consisting of hydro-reactive jet and solid-fuel rocket booster provides a high speed of over 200kt. The torpedo has an effective launch range of 7km and cruising range of 10km.


✳️The Mk48 ADCAP Mod 7 Common Broadband Advanced Sonar System (CBASS) developed by Lockheed Martin uses active and/or passive homing, broadband sonar guidance and advanced counter-countermeasures to detect, track and engage targets in deep and shallow waters. It is the most advanced heavyweight torpedo in use with the submarine fleet of the US Navy and allied nations.

✳️The torpedo has a launch weight of 1,676kg and can hold a 292.5kg high explosive warhead, and
is powered by a piston engine using Otto Fuel II monopropellant. The maximum speed and range of the torpedo are over 28kt and 8km respectively.


The Chinese Yu-6 completed development in 2005. At speeds of sixty-five knots, it is faster than the listed speeds of the Mk 48 Mod 6 ADCAP.

From the Yu-4, a domestic completion of an incomplete Soviet design, to the Yu-6, which uses an Intel microprocessor to power its guidance components, the torpedoes of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) show significant traces of reverse engineering.

But how capable are they? Do they really improve on the designs on which they are based, and effectively integrate COTS technology, or stand up to the designs from which they were reverse engineered?

The capture of an American MK 46 mod 1 torpedo by a Chinese fisherman in the South China Sea in 1978 was a game changer for Chinese torpedo design. Chinese engineers quickly adopted the MK 46’s Otto Fuel II technology to make their own torpedo-propulsion units more compact and powerful.

Saturday 21 November 2020

☔🌦️🌧️what is an artificial rain? how is it created? are there any harmful effects of artificial rain/cloud seeding? 🤔🤔🤔


🌀What causes rain?🌀

☔Clouds are made of water droplets. Within a cloud, water droplets condense onto one another, causing the droplets to grow. When these water droplets get too heavy to stay suspended in the cloud, they fall to Earth as rain.

Come to think of it, what makes it snow, hail, and sleet?

All these forms of water don’t fall out of a clear, blue sky. You need clouds. But what makes clouds?

☔Clouds form from water or ice that has evaporated from Earth’s surface, or from plants that give off water and oxygen as a product of photosynthesis. When it evaporates—that is, rises from Earth’s surface into the atmosphere—water is in the form of a gas, water vapor. Water vapor turns into clouds when it cools and condenses—that is, turns back into liquid water or ice. In order to condense, the water vapor must have a solid to glom onto. This solid “seed” may be a speck of dust or pollen, or a drop of water or crystal of ice. Dew is water vapor that has condensed back onto Earth’s surface—on grass or a car’s windshield.In the cloud, with more water condensing onto other water droplets, the droplets grow. When they get too heavy to stay suspended in the cloud, even with updrafts within the cloud, they fall to Earth as rain. If the air in the cloud is below the freezing point (32 °F or 0 °C), ice crystals form; if the air all the way down to the ground is also freezing or below, you get snow. However, if the layers of atmosphere within the cloud, and between the cloud and the ground, alternate between warmer than freezing and colder than freezing, you get other kinds of precipitation.

🌧️what is an artificial rain?🌧️
☔Rain, or increased rain, that is produced by seeding clouds artificially with 'dry ice' (frozen carbon dioxide), silver iodide, or other appropriate particles, which act as condensation nuclei.

☔Artificial rain is the process of cloud seeding, which is a type of weather modification that aims to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds dispersing substances into the air. Artificial rain is produced by spraying clouds with substances like Silver Iodide or cheaper available options like solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) or even finely powdered Sodium Chloride. 

☔In a condition where there are clouds, but no rain, it is a phenomenon called supercooling. In such a situation the temperature of the cloud might be close to zero and there can even be crystals of ice in it. The water vapour in the cloud does not condense to liquid water. The supercooling gets disturbed by spraying the cloud with the chemicals, using a airplane for the purpose.


☔The process includes three stages, the first is agitation, second is called building-up stage and the third bombardment of chemicals. This process involves using chemicals to stimulate the air mass upwind of the target area to rise and form rain clouds. These clouds are capable of absorbing water vapour from the air mass thus stimulating the condensation process in the clouds. 

☔During the second stage, the cloud mass is built up using chemicals like kitchen salt ammonium nitrate and occasionally calcium chloride. Then during the third stage chemicals such as super cool agents like silver iodide and dry ice are used to reach the most unbalanced status which eventually leads to the formulation of droplets and make them fall as raindrops. 

☔Even as the air quality in new Delhi is degrading gradually, so the government is planning to create an artificial rain because it will wash away toxic pollutants from the atmosphere.


☔Silver iodide, the material used in cloud seeding, is toxic to aquatic life. So precipitation from seeded clouds can harm the environment. In response to these concerns, scientists have tested nontoxic replacements for silver iodide. They have found calcium chloride to be effective.


  • It creates rain.
  • It makes all areas more hospitable.
  • It could regulate the weather.
  • It would allow for economic improvement.
  • It can provide relief to those drought-stricken areas.
  • It can reduce crop damage because of precipitation.
  • It uses potentially harmful chemicals.
  • It uses chemicals which can harm the environment especially plants and animals.
  • The technique is mostly used on clouds that already show early signs of rainfall, so it is not known if it actually causes rain.
  • Since it modifies the weather it might change climatic pattern.

🌠China creates 55 billion tons of artificial rain a year—and it plans to quintuple that in upcoming years

🌈Back in 2150 BC, Emperor Yu sealed his place in China’s history of eminent rulers by controlling the Yellow River’s annual flood, saving waterlogged crops. Today China’s rulers face the opposite problem: It’s water scarcity that threatens farms. So instead of the Yellow River, the Chinese government is controlling the rain.

🌈It does that by “cloud-seeding,” the colloquial term for rocket-launching chemicals into clouds, accelerating the creation of ice crystals that eventually become rain (China uses military aircraft too). This meteorological enema isn’t just handy for combating the country’s increasingly severe droughts and, supposedly, preventing hail. Local governments use “weather modification” to clear away lingering billows of air pollution. 

🌈China’s come a long way since 1958, when Russia brought cloud-seeding to the Middle Kingdom. It’s now the most trigger-happy cloud-seeder in the world. In 2011,China spent $150 million on a single regional artificial rain program; it’s unclear how much other local governments spend. The US, by comparison,spends around 15 million a year. It now creates 50 billion tonnes (55 billion tons) of artificial rain a year. That compares with an average of 36 billion tonnes a year(40 billion tons) from 1999 to 2006.

🌈As water grows scarcer and air pollution more severe, China plans to seed even more clouds.The State Council, China’s cabinet, is now mulling a proposal to beef up natural disaster monitoring and response measures, including more fake rain(links in Chinese). Last year, the head of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) revealed that under its new “weather modification program” it would use cloud-seeding to boost precipitation by 254 billion tonnes (280 billion tonnes). 

🌈With its horrendous air pollution and acute water shortage, China is a natural contender to be the world’s leading cloud-seeder. But another reason is that few countries share its enthusiasm for the technique. For one, its effectiveness has never been well established. Put simply, it’s hard to tell if those 55 billion tons of artificial rain would have fallen anyway.

🌈“[The Chinese government has] made some claims but there is no evaluation available that can substantiate their claims,” Roelof Bruintjes, a scientist at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research and a proponent of weather modification,told China dialogue. He adds that the technology shouldn’t be used as “a drought-busting tool” but rather for long-term water management.

🌈If the technique does work, that could actually cause other problems. Some say prematurely inducing rain prevents it from falling elsewhere. Also, cloud-seeding probably makes hail expand, not shrink, and pollution already seeds clouds automatically. 

🌈If cloud-seeding is possibly futile and destructive, why is China ramping up? Aside from environmental concerns, there are lucrative reasons to cloud-seed. The CMA has plans to seed clouds for private enterprises like farms or hydropower stations.Zheng Guoguang, the head of the CMA, told the China Daily in 2012. A Beijing meteorologist described China’s motivations to Vanity Fair. at a weather-modification banquet in 2008 as follows: “People believe what they will, and governments must be seen to take action.”



☔A simple Google search using keywords 'NASA rain cloud machine' will lead you to an article titled 'There is no NASA 'Cloud Machine'- Here's the real explanation of that viral video, published by

☔The article was published in April, 2018 and is written by Marshall Shepherd, who worked with NASA as a research meteorologist for 12 years. In it, Shepherd explains how the testing of the rocket, R-25 in this case, produces water vapour.

☔"The exhaust from the RS-25 is primarily water vapor because the engine burns liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen Oh.....guess what happens when they combine: You get H2O (also known as water). Therefore, the "clouds" that you see in the pictures or videos are a by-product of a very simple scientific process (see below). If the water vapor condenses, it actually may form drops large enough to fall as liquid or what appears as "rain.""

Monday 9 November 2020



✏️What are green crackers?
👉green crackers are firecrackers that have “less dangerous” and “less harmful” chemicals than conventional ones. Vardhan also said that a green logo as well as a Quick Response (QR) coding system have been developed for differentiating green crackers from conventional ones.

👉In October 2018, the Supreme Court allowed bursting of low-emission crackers relaxing the 'complete ban' issued in 2017. Such 'green' crackers were researched and developed by scientists at CSIR-NEERI as per the court's directions. 

👉'Green' crackers have a small shell size compared to traditional crackers. They are produced using less harmful raw materials and have additives WHICH reduce emissions by suppressing dust. 

👉Currently, the fireworks industry in India is pegged at ₹1,800 crore per annum. CSIR has signed agreements with 230 companies to manufacture the crackers and make them available for sale.

👉Green crackers don't contain banned chemicals such as lithium, arsenic, barium and lead. They are called Safe Water Releaser (SWAS), Safe Thermite Cracker (STAR) and Safe Minimal Aluminium (SAFAL) crackers.

👉Green crackers release water vapour and don't allow the dust particles to rise They are designed to have 30% less particulate matter pollution. 

👉QR codes on green cracker packages will help consumers scan and identify counterfeits.

👉Only two types of green crackers, namely flowerpots and sparklers, have hit the market. They are mostly being procured from manufacturers based in the National Capital Region and a few other states such as Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. 


  1. SMOG free- Not too long ago we saw how the capital was blanketed by dense and harmful smog. The pollution level after Diwali generally rises up to 30% due to bursting crackers. Imagine if it’s that harmful to us, how hazardous it can be for our kids.
  2. Less harmful gases in the air- After burning such a significant volume of crackers the environment loads up with harmful carbon, nitrous oxide, and other toxic gases. It lowers our immunity & respiratory system.
  3. Less garbage- As PM started “Swach Bharat Abhiyaan” as a movement to keep the country clean, reducing the usage of firecracker can be a significant contribution towards this worthy cause.
  4. Safe for cattle and pets- Our dogs, cows, and birds get harmed the most due to, loud noise and excessive pollution. They tend to get scared and sick due to such inhuman activities.
  5. Fewer fire-related accidents- Every year after Diwali we hear about the many accidents that ensued because of firecrackers and these can be avoided with a bit of awareness and caution.

  • Burning crackers causes air pollution as it releases harmful carbon dioxide gases.
  • Burning crackers also produces excessive noise causing noise pollution.
  • Crackers also accumulate garbage and act as a major reason for smog too.
  • Careless burning of crackers may also cause injuries to the individual.
👉The Indian Supreme court recently imposed a ban on the sale of firecrackers within the Delhi National Capital Region. Earlier in 2016 around the period of Diwali celebrations, Delhi, along with some places in China, was recorded to have the world’s worst air quality for human living. One of the reasons cited for this was the bursting of firecrackers. Diwali is one of the most popular festivals in the country. According to Hindu texts, it marks the comeback of Lord Rama to Ayodhya, and also marks the Hindu new year – these events are celebrated with pomp and show, and generally, involve bursting of firecrackers too. New Delhi already deals with the problem of air pollution from extreme automobile congestion and is the 11th most populated city in the world. Lower temperature and lower winds were recorded after Diwali last year, which proved that pollutants that remained in the air would not have dispersed. This was what came to be known as the great smog of Delhi. To avoid such extreme pollution once again the Supreme Court passed a verdict to put a ban on the sale of firecrackers around the Delhi National Capital Region.

✏️How exactly do firecrackers contribute to polluting the environment?

👉A firecracker is a small explosive device which when burned produces a loud noise along with colorful sparks. It is made up of many harmful chemicals and produces harmful gases when burnt which dissolve in the atmosphere and add to its contamination.

✏️Below are a few components which make firecrackers responsible for Air pollution and respiratory issues:

✏️Chemicals present in a firecracker:

👉Sulphur nitrates, magnesium, nitrogen dioxide are involved in the making of crackers. These prove to be hazardous for our respiratory systems and can cause serious ailments like asthma, lung cancer, shortness of breath, and many other respiratory diseases.


👉Among the components which are responsible for cracker explosion is included Antimony sulfates, which are also used in producing the head of safety matches, military ammunition and which is even suspected to cause cancer. Mercury fulminate is a primary explosive, also used in cracker production, which is sensitive to friction, causing heat and shock to the people around. Arsenic, which is inflammable in nature but is bad for the atmosphere, is also used. Lead is found in larger crackers, and lithium, which is a flammable substance used to produce explosions, is also found in many crackers.

✏️Different types of powders involved in manufacturing:

👉Flash powder, cordite, smokeless powder, or black powder are a few of the ingredients involved in the manufacture of crackers, which again cause health issues for both animals and humans.

👉Elements like sulphur, cadmium, copper, aluminum, and barium produce resonant colors when ignited along with a huge amount of smog and gases. Nitrous oxide remains in the air for a long time if the city does not get enough rain or strong winds. The great smog of Delhi in 2016 is the greatest example of such a phenomenon.

✏️Noise Pollution: Cracker bursting not only affect the environment but it also paves way for noise pollution. The big bangs, whizzing whistles, and the thunderous sounds are no good for ears. It contributes in scaring the animals away in a very inhuman condition. Animals cannot communicate but the way these loud noises frighten them is very saddening. For example, dogs get confused on hearing these noises and seeing these lights changing in their surroundings which can be fatal for them. This sound is not even good for infants and pregnant women.  The presence of aluminum, sulfur nitrate enables a cracker to produce loud sounds.

✏️Water pollutionThat’s right. Fireworks do cause water pollution as well. Many times people conduct such activities near water bodies because they want to avoid fire accidents but they end up polluting those water bodies instead. The compounds present in the cracker dissolve in the water making it poisonous and unfit for consumption, and also killing off aquatic animals.

✏️Fire Accidents: Fire accidents are common in markets during Diwali. A small spark is enough to set fire to anything. Even Bollywood has shown some of the worst fire accidents caused by crackers e.g. in the Movie Vivaah, starting Shahid Kapoor and Amrita Rao in lead roles, we saw how a single blaze of fire burnt down their whole house and caused serious burns to the female protagonist. Children, while paying crackers often get injuries and burns.The Indian Express newspaper reported more than 290 fire accidents during Diwali last year. 

✏️Garbage ProblemUnder the Scheme of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, the Indian Prime Minister Mr.  Modi has encouraged the citizens of the nation to walk on the path of cleanliness, but the bursting of crackers leaves the whole nation dirty and full of garbage. A day of fun makes sweepers work with extra effort for the next 10 days to clean their designated localities.

👉Looking at these problems we can say that although bursting crackers is a popular tradition among us, if we look at the bigger picture then we can say that the step taken by the Supreme Court of India in posing a ban on the sale of fire-crackers, is more beneficial to us in the long run. After all, as they say ‘Health is wealth’.

✏️Below is a list of the salts used to produce particular colours.


👉During Diwali, the amount of smog in Delhi increases by 30% due to the bursting of crackers.

👉Anurag Aggarwal, a Delhi based scientist at CSIR Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology compared the situation of the Indian capital to the London smog of 1952 and said that it could have caused almost 4000 deaths.

Wednesday 4 November 2020



👉To deter the possibility of a U.S. nuclear first-strike, the Soviets created a system called Perimeter, also known as "Dead Hand." The Dead Hand was a computer system that could autonomously launch all of the USSR's nuclear weapons once it was activated, across the entirety of the Soviet Union.

👉Russia still may have the automated nuclear launch system aimed across the Northern hemisphere. 

👉Anxiety over a nuclear exchange between super powers seems out of place in a post-Cold War world where conflicts are usually fought within states, rather than between them. But despite the changing nature of the times, nuclear weapons continue to play a central role in Russian military strategy. Last week, as thousands of Russian troops streamed into Ukraine, Putin issued a statement reminding the world that Russia was a nuclear-armed power.

👉"Russia is one of the most powerful nuclear nations," he said “This is a reality, not just words.”

👉Putin is certainly playing up the threat of his strategic arsenal. This month, Russia is conducting a massive drill simulating the defense of its strategic nuclear sites that will involve more than 4,000 soldiers. And as columnist and historian Anne Applebaum recently noted, commentators in Russia are now claiming that Putin is "weighing the possibility of limited nuclear strikes" against targets in Eastern Europe, at least creating the impression that the Russian president is keeping his options open.

👉The situation recalls tensions between the USSR and the U.S. during the closing decade of the Cold War. In 1983, relations between the U.S. and the USSR were under almost unprecedented strain after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Olympic boycotts, and increasingly hardline leadership in Moscow. Both sides began to put into place new intermediate-range nuclear weapon systems that could reach a target in only a matter of minutes. 

👉"Both sides now are putting weapons in to place that can reach each other in seven, eight minutes," Tom Nichols, a professor at the Naval War College, told National Geographic. This reduced "the amount of time for a decision about whether or not to begin a nuclear war, about whether or not to incinerate the entire northern hemisphere from minutes to seconds." 

👉To deter the possibility of a U.S. nuclear first-strike, the Soviets created a system called Perimeter, also known as "Dead Hand."

👉The Dead Hand was a computer system that could autonomously launch all of the USSR's nuclear weapons once it was activated, across the entirety of the Soviet Union.

👉Dead Hand was a weapon of last resort. It was created to ensure that even if the Soviet leadership was wiped out, a nuclear response could still be launched against the West and NATO in retaliation.

👉After Dead Hand was activated by Soviet military officials, "the first thing it does is check the communication lines to work out if there's anyone alive and in charge of the Soviet military," Alok Jha, author of "THE Doomsday HANDBOOK"told National Geographic. "If they're not alive, it takes over." 

👉If Dead Hand did not detect signs of a preserved military hierarchy, the system would perform a check for signals of a nuclear attack, such as a change in air pressure, extreme light, and radioactivity.

👉If the system concluded that a nuclear strike had taken place, Dead Hand would proceed to launch all of the remaining nuclear weapons from all of the silos throughout the Soviet Union at targets across the Northern Hemisphere. 

👉Of course, no system is fool-proof, and there are concerns that Dead Hand could still operate at some level within the modern Russian military and accidentally trigger the launch of Russia's active nukes. We've since asked the Russians if it's still on," Nichols writes at The National Interest, "and they've assured us, with complete confidence, that we should mind our own business." 


👉There's a possibility that Dead Hand was dismantled when the Soviet Union fell — but nuclear weapons are still an integral part of Moscow's defense architecture, even without a semi-automated doomsday machine in place.

👉The limited use of nuclear weapons has remained an official center point of Russian military strategy since a policy of nuclear "de-escalation" was officially adopted by Putin in 2000. 

👉De-escalation is "the idea that, if Russia were faced with a large-scale conventional attack that exceeded its capacity for defense, it might respond with a limited nuclear strike," Nikolai N. Sokov, a senior fellow at the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, wrote for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 

👉This is a military strategy that envisions that "the threat of a limited nuclear strike that would force an opponent to accept a return to the status quo ante," Sokov notes. "Such a threat is envisioned as deterring the United States and its allies from involvement in conflicts in which Russia has an important stake, and in this sense is essentially defensive."

👉Although de-escalation is intended to be a defensive strategy, Russia has included simulations of nuclear strikes in all large-scale military exercises since 2000 to make the threat credible. This might be one of the reasons Russia is staging a massive strategic nuclear exercise this month, amid intensifying conflict in eastern Ukraine.

👉According to experts, de-escalation is a principal aspect of Russian military doctrine due to the country's relative weakness in terms of conventional military strength, compared to the NATO states. The reliance on the threat or possibility of nuclear counter-measures is the only way that Russia can stand up to the combined strength of the U.S. and NATO in the event of all-out war. 

👉"Russia is acutely aware of its conventional weakness," Nichols writes at The National Interest. "[E]ven as they torment Ukraine right under NATO’s nose, the Russians know that they have no chance against NATO without nuclear weapons." 

👉However, as Nichols notes, Moscow knows that its reliance on nuclear weapons is an unsustainable crutch, and that Russia's conventional forces are still sorely in need of modernization.


👉according to me, yes India should make a dead hand weapon because India has threat from Pakistan and China, whereas both countries are equipped with heavy nuclear weapons, so in case a nuclear weapon is used against India, we m as y not have proper retaliation time to counter them back, so its safe to make a dead hand weapon even though it has a quite a bit of disadvantages. 


🌞 ARTIFICIAL SUN MADE BY CHINA 🌞 ☀️China successfully powered up its “artificial sun” nuclear fusion reactor for the first ti...