Friday 17 July 2020



πŸ—‘️electromagnetic railgun use one of the weapon which uses electromagnetic force to launch the high velocity projectiles.  generally here no gun powder ua used.  gunpowder is generally used in Bullets in a small amount  that is because it is generally used more amount of gunpowder  in the bullets then the muskets may blow up.  As general you know that the Ganpur is generally used6 in the bullets and once the gun pistol of the gun is generally fired the bullies get burnt up and then the bullet will be released, creating a massive impact.  and as you know generally that only a small amount of gunpowder is used in the bullets and the gunpowder is very much difficult to handle since it cannot be exposed to the air.  we need to pay special attention during the handling of the gunpowder.  the compound which is used in the bullets only can travel up to a shorter distance or has some Limited range where are you be generally used the electromagnetic railgun here we are not making use of any gunpowder or any of the explosives powder and it generally depends upon the natural phenomena like electromagnetic force.  but there are also advantages and disadvantages in the electromagnetic railgun mechanism.  in electromagnetic railgun we generally require a large amount of supply current generally in order to operate the  electromagnetic railgun.  next we are going to discuss about the working operation of the electromagnetic railgun and we are also going to see that whether the electromagnetic railgun is available in India and whether we are using it in India or not.

 πŸ—‘️electromagnetic railgun they generally make use of the Electromagnet when the current will be general flew to the Electromagnet the magnetic field is generally generated.  and the magnetic field which will generally produce more amount of kinetic energy and this kinetic energy will fire the projectile with higher velocity and that is the main feature of the electromagnetic railgun.  as we know the bullet generally consists of different components like the primer the propellant like the gun powder and the bullet chase and the bullet.  we have discussed earlier about water generally the problems with the  gunpowder,  import originally used inside the bullet and if you general use a gunpowder inside the bullet it was generally make the bullet have little bit heavy with generally has a limit that we cannot the bullet cannot be Fire to the longer distance and also if the gunpowder is generally exposed to the air it will generally create a lot more problem like the  evaporation  takes place.  in order to avoid all these problems we are generally making use of a new technology called the electromagnetic railgun.

πŸ—‘️ the electromagnetic railgun as also outclass the Mach 7,  it was more than 7 times as it files with most compared to that of the Mach 7, and it also been proved that it generally had traveled of some 2050 kilometres just in 7 minutes,  this was generally found during the testing of the electromagnetic railgun.

 πŸ—‘️here the electromagnetic railgun is generally consists of a large electrical circuit and generally has several parts: we can generally classified the electromagnetic railgun into five parts namely:
1)  power supply: to the power supply we can generally set it is nothing but the current which is generally required in order to start the electromagnetic railgun and here we generally requires a tremendous amount of current in order to generally operate the electromagnetic railgun.
2) pair of parallel rails: in the electromagnetic railgun we generally have two parallel rails are the tubes which are generally made up of a conductive metal.  near the two arrays are generally placed parallel to each other so that when the current is generally provided to this electromagnetic rays the magnetic field will be generated and then it will be converted into kinetic energy and kinetic energy will generally file the project and with the larger velocity.  since we are making use of a two tubes in the electromagnetic railgun we can consider 1 as positive where is the another as negative,  the connections are similar as we generally used the make the connections in the wire.
3) armature: armature is the conductive metal part in the electromagnetic railgun and the armature bridges is the gap between the rails.
4) the power generator: as we know the generator generally converts the rotational energy of the mechanical energy into the electrical energy but here the original general used in order to provide the extra extra energy that is General required for the electromagnetic railgun in order to fire the projectile.
5) projectile: as I have said earlier here  no gunpowder is used in the projectile the projectile is generally fired by means of using the electric current in the power supply.

 πŸ—‘️when the large amount of current is generally provided to the electromagnetic railgun that will generally create the magnetic field in the tubes of the electromagnetic railgun and then after that the force is generally generated and this force is generally called as Lorentz Force.  this Lorentz Force helps the projectile to move in vertical direction with the larger velocity and speed.  since we are not using the gun powder in this mechanism it is not having a limited range we can fire it at  larger distance.  next we are going to see about the merits or the advantages and disadvantages for the demerits of the electromagnetic railgun.

 πŸ—‘️firstly the more amount of current is generally used in order to fire the projectile means we require a large amount of current in this process.

 πŸ—‘️it will not be a problem if you can generally provide to provide the large amount of current but the major problem is that we need a larger capacitor in order to general store this electric current but on today's world we are not developed such a large capacitor in order to so store such a large amount of current so we make use of some cubic metre size to capacitor in order to store the large amount of current and hence this process is not cost effective.

  πŸ—‘️resistive heating is one of the major problems in the electromagnetic railgun because since we are using a large amount of current with general develops a large amount of magnetic field near the project will be fired at a very highest speed so a lot of it will be generally generated.  so it is necessary that we need your some mechanism in auto generally cool the electromagnetic railgun from general heating up.

 πŸ—‘️the last most problem in the electromagnetic railgun is the melting.

 πŸ—‘️since we are using the large amount of current or the tremendous amount of current here there might be chances of the current flow in the reverse direction or in the opposite direction which we can generally called quality as a repulsive force and this repulsive force may cause the wear and Tear problems in the electromagnetic railgun.

 πŸ—‘️electromagnetic railgun cannot be used continuously,  since once we generally fire a projectile in the electromagnetic railgun a large heat will be jointly developed and when it requires some certain time in auto generally School the electromagnetic railgun and after a certain period of time it will be gently ready to fire one more projectile.  and this might might be one of the major disadvantage of the electromagnetic railgun change it does not have the continuous  firing   feature. 

 πŸ—‘️Here, no gunpowder is generally used in the electromagnetic railgun.

 πŸ—‘️electromagnetic railgun can be used for either for short or long distance fire firing of the projectile.

 πŸ—‘️department of DRDO that is the department of research and development organisation have tested this electromagnetic railgun in the year 2017 in the month of November and the testing of railgun have successfully completed and it travels for about the distance of 4600 miles per hour and it has projectile has been fired.

 πŸ—‘️but generally in India the use of electromagnetic railgun is generally under the stage of development until now.

 πŸ—‘️by this we can generally say that the electromagnetic railgun has both the advantages as well as the disadvantages but in the upcoming future we can generally produce disadvantages and make use convert into advantages of that in the near future we can use it as a major weapon against our enemies,  change the technology is generally developing day by day and the modernization weekend general is in the technology week it will not be difficult for us to generally modify the electromagnetic railgun to  convert the disadvantages in to the advantages and can be used in the near future with more of the advantages so that it can give some more  strength to our  Indian defence system.the countries like United States of America (USA), China, India etc are making use of electromagnetic railgun but in most countries the electromagnetic railgun is under the stage of development. 

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