Friday 26 June 2020



🔥KUNDANKULUM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT (KKNPP) is the largest nuclear power plant in India that is in koondakulam in trrunelveli district of the Southern Indian state of tamil nadu. Construction on the plant began on 31 March 2002,but faced several delays due to opposition from local fishermen.KKNPP is scheduled to have six VVER-1000 reactors built in collaboration with atomstroyexport , the Russian state company and NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (NPCIL), with an installed capacity of 6,000 MW of electricity.the KUNDANKULUM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT construction was stated on 31 March 2002 and the construction was completed on 22 October 2013.the status of the KUNDANKULUM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT is operational till todays date. The unit 1 and unit 2, construction was build with a price of ₹17,270 crores and after sometime unit 3 and Unit 4 was built with a cost of ₹39,747 crores and therefore the total estimated amount of money spent on the KKNPP is ₹57,017 crore rupees. The kundankulum nuclear power plant is operated and owned by the NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (NPCIL). Here, in KKNPP the PWR(PRESSURIZED WATER REACTOR) is used and the cooling source used is from laccadive sea. Generally in KKNPP 2x1000MW units are under operation but the NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (NPCIL) has planned for the construction of another operational unit that is of 2X1000MW. The total generation capacity of KUNDANKULUM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT is 1864MW, which is quite more when compared to that of TARAPUR NUCLEAR POWER PLANT which has a total capacity of 1400MW, which I have explained in my previous blog. The annual net output of KUNDANKULUM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT (KKNPP) is 7134GWH(GIGA WATT HOUR) that is according to 2018.
Unit 1 was synchronised with the southern power grid on 22 October 2013 and since then, has been generating electricity at its warranted limit of 1,000 MW.The original cost of the two units was ₹ 13,171 crore, but it was later revised to ₹ 17,270 crore (US$2.6 billion). Russia advanced a credit of ₹ 6,416 crore (US$0.97 billion) for both the units.Unit 2 attained criticality on 10 July 2016 and was synchronised with the electricity grid on 29 August.

🔥In 2015, Nuclear Power Corporation Ltd (NPCIL) announced a price of ₹ 4.29/kW. h(6.4 ¢/kW·h) for energy delivered from Kudankulam nuclear power plant.

🔥The ground-breaking ceremony for construction of units 3 & 4 was performed on 17 February 2016. Due to operators and suppliers requirement to insure the next two units at ₹39,747 crore (US$5.57 billion), the cost of units 3 & 4 amounted to twice the cost of units 1 & 2.


🔥An Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) on the project was signed on 20 November 1988 by the Prime Minister of India, rajiv gandhi and the Soviet head of state, mikhail gorbachev, for the construction of two reactors. The project remained in limbo for a decade due to the dissolution of the soviet Union. There were also objections from the United States of america, on the grounds that the agreement did not meet the 1992 terms of the nuclear suppliers group (NSG).MR Srinivasan, Atomic Energy commission (AEC) Chairman from 1987 to 1990, called the project "a non-starter". However, the project was revived on 21 June 1998.


🔥Construction began on 31 March 2002, with NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (NPCIL) predicting that the first unit would be operational in March 2007, instead of the original target of December 2007. 

🔥A small port became operational in Kudankulam on 14 January 2004. This port was established to receive barges carrying over-sized light water reactor equipment from ships anchored at a distance of 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi). Until 2004, materials had to be brought in via road from the port of thoothukudi, risking damage during transportation.In 2008, negotiations on building four additional reactors at the site began. Though the capacity of these reactors has not been declared, it was expected that the capacity of each reactor will be 1,200 MW (1.2 GW).The new reactors would bring the total capacity of the power plant to 6,800 MW (6.8 GW).

🔥The ground-breaking ceremony for construction of third and fourth units was performed on 17 February 2016.Construction of the third unit started on 29 June 2017.Construction of units 5 and 6 is expected to begin in 2020.


🔥Malware associated with the Lazarus Group was used to collect technical information from KNPP in 2019. Officials stated that the facility is safe from cyber-attacks by virtue of being air gapped. 


🔥The reactors are PRESSURIZED WATER REACTOR (PHWR) of Russian design, MODEL VVER-1000/V-412 referred also as AES-92. Thermal capacity is 3,000 MW, gross electrical capacity is 1,000 MW with a net capacity of 917 MW.Construction is by NPCIL and Atomstryexport. When completed the plant will become the largest nuclear power generation complex in India producing a cumulative 2 GW of electric power.Both units are water-cooled, water-moderated power reactors. 


🔥The first reactor of the plant attained criticality on 13 July 2013 and was connected to the grid three months later.It started commercial operation from 31 December 2014.The second unit achieved criticality on 10 July 2016 and was connected to the grid in August.Commercial operation started on 15 October 2016.

🔥The Kerala state electricity board(KSEB) board members have approved signing of a power purchase agreement (PPA) with the Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) for sourcing electricity from the Kudankulam nuclear power project (KKNPP).

🔥Unit 1 was shut down in June 2015 for refuelling and annual maintenance. On 21 January 2016 the reactor restarted and was connected to grid on 30 January 2016.

🔥Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project Site Director D.S. Choudhary stated on 26 January 2018 that units 1 and 2 of the nuclear plant had generated a combined total of 22,800 million units since they began functioning. 


🔥I have explained about fukhushima disaster in my previous blog while explaining about TARAPUR NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. 

🔥In 2011, thousands from the vicinity of the plant protested against it, fearing a nuclear disaster, in the wake of the Fukushima daiichi nuclear disaster. According to the protesters, evacuation of people in the event of a nuclear disaster would be impossible.According to S P Udayakumar, of the people's movement against nuclear energy"the nuclear plant is unsafe". However, in 2012, the chief of India's nuclear energy programme, Dr Sri Kumar banerji , called the plant "one of the safest" in the world.In December 2012, the hindu reported that hundreds of villagers in the region were largely ignorant of the risks and benefits of the plant.

🔥A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was filed in 2011 with the Supreme Court asking for nuclear power development to be delayed until safety concerns were independently assessed.In May 2013, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the plant, stating that the nuclear power plant was in the larger public interest.

🔥In March 2012, nearly 200 anti-nuclear protesters were detained for a few hours by the police. The protesters were set to join protests objecting resumption of work of one of two 1 GW reactors, a day after the local government restarted work on the project.

🔥There have also been rallies and protests in favour of commissioning this nuclear power plant.

🔥On, 24 February 2012, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh blamed foreign NGOs for protests at the power plant. News agencies reported that three NGOs had diverted donations earmarked for religious and social causes to the protests, in violation of foreign exchange regulations.

🔥Supporters of the power plant in Idinthakarai village have been targeted by opponents using improvised explosive devices.


🔥The CHRUCH of South india and the national churches of South India opposed the power plant and supported the protests against it.Supporters of the power plant and the government have alleged that the protest against the power plant was instigated by churches and funded by foreign sources. The protestors dismissed the allegation of foreign funding, but said that seeking support from church was "natural" as many protestors were Christian localites living in the vicinity of the Reactor.


🔥Former chairman of Atomic Energy commission of india Srinivasan said, "The Fukushima plant was built on a beach-front, but the Kudankulam was constructed on a solid terrain and that too keeping all the safety aspects in mind. Also, we are not in a tsunami prone area. The plants in Kudankulam have a double containment system which can withstand high pressure. At least ₹14,000 crore has been spent. If we don't operate the plant immediately, it will affect the economic stability of our country".

🔥A centre panel constituted by the Government of India, which did a survey of the safety features in the plant, vouched for the safety of the Kudankulam reactors. Dr Muthunayagam, who headed the panel, said that the protesters asked for some documents which are not related to the safety of the reactor.Nuclear scientist and principal scientific adviser to the federal Government of India Rajagopala chidambaram has said "We have learnt lessons from the Fukushima nuclear accident, particularly on the post-shut-down cooling system", and also added Fukushima nuclear accident should not deter or inhibit India from pursuing a safe civil nuclear programme.

🔥The Tamil Nadu state government formed a four-member expert panel which submitted a report to the government after inspecting the safety features of the plant. The Tamil Nadu government in the wake of the acute power shortages in the state has ordered in favour of the commissioning of the plant.


🔥The town council OF Volgodonsk, rostov oblast named a lane located next to the atommash plant as Kudankulam Alley in November 2018. The plant, which is owned by rosatom, manufactures equipment for the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant.

🔎The latest news on KUNDANKULUM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT is that "the nuclear power plant equipment from RUSSIA is shipped to the KUNDANKULUM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT (KKNPP)" 

🔥Global nuclear power major Russia's Rosatom on Friday said the ship with equipment for two 1,000 MW atomic power plants coming up in Tamil Nadu has left the Saint Petersburg port for India. According to Rosatom, this is the 17th shipload during the project implementation and the first one - after the restrictive measures related to the prevention of the further spread of COVID-19.

🔥India's atomic power company Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) is building two more 1,000 MW reactors at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli district with Russian equipment. The first two reactors of similar capacities are generating power.

🔥"In the context of the restrictions imposed in Russia and India, Rosatom State Corporation Engineering Division, the Indian customer, Russian manufacturers, the port of Saint-Petersburg have kept on working, meeting all the measures prescribed, on the construction of the second phase of Kudankulam NPP (nuclear power plant)," the Director for projects in India, Vladimir Angelov, said.

"It is necessary to make a specific mention on the well-coordinated work of the employees responsible for the cargo handling and execution. The deadline for shipment was reduced by 37 per cent," he added.

India TV

The shipment includes air locks of the passive heat removal system for power unit No 3, condensate demineralizer filters for power units No 3 and 4, core catcher sacrificial materials, control and protection system drives, transfer cask, surge tanks outside the containment, blow down deaerator for power unit No 4 was shipped to the NPP construction site.

The 17th shipload also included filters, pipelines, valves, stationary penetrations and pumps. The scheduled arrival of the shipload to the Kudankulam construction site is expected to be in July 2020.


🔥Government of India announced the power allocation from the two units of the reactor on 29 August 2013.

BeneficiaryPower (MW)
Tamil Nadu925 MW
Karnataka442 MW
Kerala266 MW
Puducherry67 MW
Unallocated300 MW
Total2,000 MW

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